Monday, September 29, 2008

I got a Purple People Eater Phone!!

Today has been really good, uneventful but good. After catching up on some sleep, I woke up at about 11:30 with the first of the two boys leaving. Vanessa, Jenny and I ate breakfast in the kitchen, leaving the door closed so we didn’t or hear anything we weren’t supposed to. Finally at almost 1, Jenny’s boy left which left her rather aggravated as she had been trying to get him to leave since like 10. So after showering, I began my laundry which with our tiny washer took three loads for three days worth of clothes, which are now hanging up in my room to dry, I’m betting by day three they will still be damp. After cleaning up a bit, I walked down to Ashley and Heather’s house and we went to Park Centre where I was told to go to City Centre to go get my phone, which pretty much made my day. After heading back to the house to get enough money to pay for my phone, I ate some lunch and met Jenny (Sweden) and Torstein (Norway), when Torstein decided he was going to give me my Birthday gift early...

It is a pencil drawing of an angel that is in a cemetary close's so intricate I was shocked.

After eating some lunch, we all headed down to City Centre. I got my amazing purple phone:

which means I was able to talk to Mom and Chris for the UK all incoming calls and texts are free which is extremely exciting! Getting this phone felt like such a breath of fresh air, being cut off from all contact was the primary source of my homesickness, but that is slowly fading as well.

We cooked in the kitchen as Jenny felt bad about my birthday being so bad and made some amazing Russian recipe chicken courtesy of Vanessa and steamed veggies with rice from Jenny (Illinois). Classes start on Monday, so we'll see how well that goes...*crosses fingers*

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad that you are finally able to talk to Chris... I know how much he misses you... I have so much to tell you, but I will have to tell you all of it at a later date... Miss you tons...