Tuesday, September 30, 2008

It's Raining...Boo!!

First day of classes was okay, found a couple that I really like, am dropping another....By the end of today I should have 9 classes total, which isn't too bad.
It started raining here this morning and unfortunately my umbrella is still at Ali and Nicole's. But I do suppose I can count my lucky stars that I'm the only roommate who is not sick. Vanessa and Jenny (Illinois) went to the doctor today with Jenny (Sweden) not looking all that great herself. I'm trying to eat well and take my vitamins and am praying that I won't get sick later.
I might be getting internet tonight if I can find the desire to walk to City Centre, which if I do there will be more pictures. I need to get a nice scarf and some gloves, thankfully Chris bought me a new wallet so I can pay him back during Christmas and I don't have to worry about that now. However, I think two of my blisters are infected as they look rather red and angry so I also need to add band aids and Neosporane (sp?) to my list. That and hitting the bank as well as the Embassy sometime today or tomorrow and my days are filled.
Tonight is the Freshers Ball which should be interesting, all the new and international students meet at the pub tonight. Get to meet some new people which could be kind of nice, as well as tomorrow is the Fresher Mixer where we meet and sign up for some clubs and the such which should be nice.
But I do suppose I am rather rambling and should probably get home to nurse the sick roommates.

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