Wednesday, October 1, 2008

I hate my voice...I can hear the accent in my head!

To the amusement of my roommates, I'm already picking up the Belfast accent. It's only really with my O's and H's, but that combined with my South Dakoootan accent and I sound like a dork.

Fresher's Ball was interesting to say the least, quite a few drunks and the German girls and I have come to the concensus that Irish boys are tiny. It's bad enough when I'm taller than them in my heels, let alone barefoot. But it was fun, the girls managed to convince me to borrow one of their skirts, so granted I was about 75% more covered than the rest of the girls there, I still felt naked.

I went down to City Centre yesterday with Jennifer and took some pictures, the outside of the house, some of the murals, the block of flats where the "Troubles" started; however, they are still on my camera back at the house. However, taking pictures was the first time I noticed the hills behind our house that you see when you are walking home, so that was exciting.

My class schedule is finally put in place and I'm taking 10 courses in all, plus I plan on joining 1 or 2 clubs so I should stay rather occupied and content.

But must run as the landlord is coming soon and it is a matter of heat or no heat.

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