Friday, October 3, 2008

No what's your name? Not where are you from. / I'm Erica not America

So first week done, nothing too spectacular. Classes are good and I actually like my math class. (Random geographical note: people here combine South Dakota and North Dakota to the Dakotas and then start singing this weird old song about "take me back to the Black Hills of South Dakota"?)
Gone out a few times, nothing too spectacular. Got passed over by a drunk last night which kind of hit the self esteem hard, but then had a nicer guy come up and talk to me. Once he found out I had a boy back home, we talked about farming and tried to teach me Gaelic : I need to go to the loo = I can shawn doggelate ah (spelled phonically).
I think we're going out to a blues bar tonight, which I'm actually excited for. I've connected with a few of the girls here and other than the little drama two nights ago the roommates and I get along swimmingly.
The only complaint I have is that it's not South Dakota, I know that's dumb. But the "troubles" still affect this place and most people won't talk to you for fear of you being Protestant/Catholic. I was thinking about getting my tattoo here and yet it would be safer and easier for me to do it back in the states. I want to get the first line of a poem in Gaelic; however, because I'm not Catholic I will be hard pressed to find a tattoo artist who will do it (I live in the Catholic part of town.)
But other than that, I've been doing well. Bought some amazing rainboots two days ago and am in love with the fact that my feet don't get soaked. And have plans for tomorrow to go down to the Titanic shipyard and go on the Belfast Ferris Wheel, so expect some pictures.


Anonymous said...

please wait until you get to the states to get the tattoo. just write down what you would like and we can do it here.

love ya

Anonymous said...

Sweetie, wait on the tattoo. PLEASE... I can tell you stories about Eric's dad if you need some convincing... PLEASE just wait. Like your mom says, wait until you get back home... By then you may not want it anyways...