Friday, September 26, 2008

Plane Ride...Oh Joy!

So as I sit finally having been granted access to the internet thanks to a generous roommate and completing my extra 5 hour long flight i figure i might grace you with some ramblings from said almost 20 hour flight =D
Greetings from the windy city which i saw approximately a mile of while walking through O’Hare airport. Yes i do realize that the smart thing to do would have been to take the terminal train; however, the almost 2 mile walk was invigorating and interesting [Erica can't figure the train schedule]. I met Benny the Brontosaurus and saw the cheap version of Fleet Street i.e. going down an escalator to a ceiling of mirrors and neon lights lasting about a half a mile. Found the Terminal amid the mall like masquerade of Wolfgang Puck expresses and Quizno moveable carts. So now I sit on the largest plane of my life and pray that the sharks aren’t hungry

In the air over Quebec:
Approximately 2 h ours into my flight, stuffed with cheese ravoli and salad, I must admit dining over Quebec has been the highlight of the trip. Unfortunately, my dinner and a movie plans were throw to the wayside when Kung Fu Panda went on the fritz.
So after a 45 minute delay, thank goodness we boarded 10 minutes early, I am only slightly panicked about making my connection flight. I do believe the current time count is approximately 30 minutes between landing and leaving. However as my seat mate said, “Nothing you can do about it now.”
So as I attempt to get any sleep on this flight, surprisingly barren of babies, I can’t help but wonder how I’ll feel in three months time, only this time dining over the Atlantic

Sitting in Amsterdam:
So my now hour and a half connecting flight from Amsterdam to Belfast has been transformed into two separate flights that push my total travel time to almost 20 hours
I must admit though that ESL students amaze me, as I sit in Amsterdam I am assaulted with an unknown language even getting yelled at in what I assume was Dutch for running over some toes as I tried to bolt out of my overnight flight.
I feel extremely out of place and extremely Midwesterner and it’s not at all a comfortable feeling. It is extremely frustrating and a lonely feeling, amazing me that I am feeling such a culture shock in the airports alone.
So after my plane rides I arrived at Belfast and had to figure out how to get the college as I had no way of contacting anyone….so I took 2 busses and lugged my luggage about 2 miles before getting to St. Mary’s. unfortunately, the transferring of luggage and carting of luggage ripped my big pink suitcase so unless I can find a patch I’ll need to buy a new one before I leave.
I live in a small house with 3 other girls who are all extremely nice, my only complaint is that we have little to no heat and my room not only has the largest window but also my door doesn’t latch close so I get a rather large draft from the front door.

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