Sunday, October 12, 2008

A Walk to City Centre and A Castle within Belfast

Yes we do have a pub at the end of our street...I find it rather funny
One of the murals that flanks our street

The other mural, this and the above mural are side by side, I haven't had time to look into who these women were.
This is what we have instead of a street sign, these three were killed during the Troubles
The Catholic church that is at the top of our street meeting Falls Road
The praying house, I don't know much about it, but it's architecture makes it stand out among all the brick.
The praying house again...
The Library!!! I haven't been inside yet, but it looks absolutely gorgeous.
The one qualm I have with Ireland, their libraries are only open until 1 on Saturdays, why? I want to do my homework on the weekends when I have time...arg!

A mural for the 10 people who participated in the Blanket Strike, Dirty Strike, and then died due to the Hunger Strike during the Troubles. Bobby Sands was the first to die and there is are so many murals displaying his likeness or his quotes throughout the city.
The block of flats where the Troubles seemed to circulate, a 9-year old boy was killed here in his own house when the bullets ripped through the thin walls.
The mural wall, they change every so often; however, city council does have a say as to what goes up.
Yes, that would be George W. Bush on the mural wall, drinking oil from the adjacent panel with the words "America's Greatest Failure" underneath.
The second part of the George W. Bush panel, apparently, Northern Ireland doesn't like the war anymore than I do.
A better picture of the block of flats. I just noticed how all the dark clouds seem to be around that building, weird.

A mosaic on an apartment building, the top is written in Irish so I'm not quite sure what it means.
This is my view when I walk to class or just walk home from Falls road. It is rather humbling.
The white door, window to the left, and the two windows above make up the house I live in. The bottom window is my room.
The bay from the Belfast Castle.
The palace garden, which is decorated with cats.
Another picture of the bay, the buildings are part of Belfast.
Belfast Castle, would be a lovely picture minus my finger in the corner.
More castle.
Ashley (Pennsylvania), Heather (Pennsylvania) and I
More castle.
The legend of the castle cat, yes I did start to miss my kitties back home.
A cat shrubbery, I admit I had a slight Monty Python lapse when I saw this. "Bring me a shrubbery!"
Another cat, I think we only managed to find like 6 of the cats.
The back of the Castle.
The staircase was added in the 1800s as a gift for the Mother.
Ashley, I, and Heather again.
The ocean air was amazing.
More Castle.
The servant quarters.
One of the Cat Mosaics
Right after I took this my batteries died, I need to steal the rest of the pictures from Heather. So there will be more I promise :D

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Erica, What fun it was this morning to look at all the pictures and to see you there. Keep taking pictures and keep sending. I love it. Love Grandma