Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Day 2 Paddywagon Tour

After waiting for the still drunk people, we took off for the Cliff of Mohr. Definitely a place to see before you die. First, we drove around a lot and took turns introducing ourselves to the bus, a lot of the people referred to the Republic as part of the UK, it was amusing to watch the bus drivers face, I got a laugh when I was very politically correct with where I was from "studying in Northern Ireland" and going to see the "Republic of Ireland." After everyone said their piece, Micheal informed everyone that they were in a different country from the UK, a lot said that that was what they meant.
We stopped at one of the tower houses, built during the King's rule, money was given to the loyal to build these castles that could double as fortresses.
Soon we stopped at a wishing well, you had to throw a coin with your left hand over your right shoulder and it had to only hit water in order for your wish to come true by way of the fairies. I got my wish :D
After we stopped again at these rather rocky landscapes, the Irish name escapes me. They were amazing, it reminded me a bit of the Causeway. There were some cows that looked as though they were posing for us, we found out later they were watching the other cows that we standing in the middle of the road, ahh I miss that from driving through the random dirt roads.
We soon arrived at the Cliffs and decided to climb the stairs before the hill. And of course because it is the EU there was scaffolding, so after getting gorgeous pictures of one side, we decided to go down and then up the other side. So I was hopping down the stairs, then after decided hopping wasn't safe, I walked. I got three stairs done before I fell, my ankle popped twice. I only cussed once, I was proud of myself, I found I could put my weight on it so I decided to continue up the hill. We walked/I gimped all the way up the hill; when passed the "Don't Pass" sign and got some amazing pictures. It is truly a breathtaking place, my pictures don't do it justice.
So after we came down the hill, I decided I should get my ankle wrapped. So I was the injured girl for the rest of the trip.
After the Cliffs, we arrived at our hostel, ate some fish and chips (I tried their baked beans, I like American better), and then went to a pub/nightclub where there was supposed to be Irish music, there was bad 80s cover music. I decided to go back and nurse my ankle, yes I'm a party pooper :D

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