Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Day 3 Paddywagon Tour

After a fun night of people coming in at 6 in the morning, we all got ready to go on a horse and carriage ride through Kilarney National Park. We had the perfect morning, clear skies and it wasn't horribly cold. Our horse was a new walker named Bill and he was gorgeous. We saw the mountains and the lake and it was honestly beyond words.
After the horse ride we returned to the hostel and split between the 3-day tours (me) and 6-day tours and the 3-day tours continued to Blarney Castle.
Now I must admit I slept most of the way to Blarney, there's only so much green that I can look at before the back of my eyelids look good, and yes I know I'm going to miss it all once I go back home and see all the brown.
Once we got to Blarney Castle we all kind of split up and did our own thing. I decided to wander and slowly make my way to the Blarney stone. The castle itself in amazingly broken and gorgeous, I was extremely amused at the lack of floors leading to fireplaces in the middle of walls and the wide open room that housed both the "young ladies room" and "priest room"; however, they used to be seperated.
I finally got up to the stone and was rather nervous, you must lay on your back and lean backwards to kiss the stone, essentially upside down. I thought my butt was going to fall off the edge.
So after that bit of excitement, I continued to wander the castle and found that the pictures they take of you to sell are definitely not the most flattering thing in the world. I found the dungeon, a dank, dark place where to even get to the room in which you can stand you have to walk hunched over for about 5 minutes.
We soon left Blarney castle and proceeded to Dublin to conclude the tour, once again I slept most of the way and watched "Father Ted." We arrived in Dublin with 15 minutes for me to catch the bus to Belfast and concidentally, one of the guys from my group (Australian) was also going to Belfast to catch a flight the following morning, so I had someone to keep me company. However, my favorite part was playing peek-a-boo with a little German boy who sat behind me and thought it was hilarious.

I am definitely coming back to Ireland, I don't know when or how but I want to come back here. It is gorgeous and so peaceful, there is so much history both good and bad hidden in the ruins and greens of the countryside. I just hope my students loans don't take too long to pay off.

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