Saturday, November 15, 2008


So after we walked the wall of Derry we stopped at a pub for lunch and Marta (who's pictures I stole, had some fun) Totally oblivious and enjoying my amazing tea...
Yes Eveline and I rock at life
After a short bus ride, I slept, we arrived at Omagh and began the delicate task of asking about the bombing...lucky for us the memorial garden was easy to find, the actual sight not so much
31, for the 31 killed, including unborn twin girls. People from three different countries and as young as 8 years old
The reflecting pond
I wish we had gone turning the early day, as these reflect the light giving the whole garden a glow
Omagh was a gorgeous little town
The street where it happened
The memorial exactly where the car bomb was, we walked right past it and missed the plaque saying what is was for.
The glass heart....
The plaque explaining what happened
We had WAY too much sugar and sweets here while we waited for the bus... Eveline, myself, and Marta

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