Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Walled City of Derry

Eveline, Marta, and I...keep in mind that this was at 8:30 in the morning, we don't even have classes until 9
Marta and I, we were on the top of a double decker bus, it was quite frightening at times.
This would be graffiti done by a Protestant; Protestants call the city by it's "proper" name Londonderry or just London, whereas Catholics call it Derry. We were told to call it Derry.
There were many signs with just the opposite as well, London being scratched out and Derry being the only name showing.
Coming into Derry, this was a building that was petrol bombed, we believe.
The beginning of the wall...
The middle of the city has a wall around it, this used to be the only part of the place that was above water. Presently, the rest of the city outside of the walls is known as the Bogside and is the living quarters of the Catholics.
Pretty :D
The war memorial directly in the middle of the city
The Bogside
Those little white dots are grave markers and that cemetary holds graves that date back to the famine.
Internment is being held without trial, fairly self explanatory in relation to the "Troubles"
My favorite mural, it is a dove and represents peace among all colors, cultures, and creeds.
A mural of the young people who started the uprising against the British.
The wall from the base of the Bogside. I assume the Derry 4 are 4 people who are being held on something they were wrongly accused of.
The most famous wall in all of Derry.
Memorial for the first man to paint the slogan " YOU ARE NOW ENTERING FREE DERRY"
This mural is taken from a video made of the events on Bloody Sunday and is the most famous image from that video and the event itself. They are carrying the body of a young man who was shot and later died while the priest is waving a white hankerchief as to not get shot.
A memorial to those who were from Derry and lost their lives during the "Troubles"
More explaination of the memorial.
The Hunger Strikers memorial........
The crosses for the Bloody Sunday dead at the Bloody Sunday museum. It is interesting to note that the audio from that day; the marching, the gun shots, the people panicking; plays on a loop in the museum and the man who works there lost his brother, the youngest victim at 17, to the violence that day.
Items of the dead...that notch in the belt is where the deadly bullet entered.
This is the camera that captured the famous footage of Bloody Sunday, the man who was taping it ran out of film and was shot and died 20 minutes later.
This is the saddest part of the whole museum, a list of the dead and their last actions, some of them where killed simply trying to help the wounded.
The street where most of the carnage occured...
The memorial for those killed on Bloody Sunday
We tried to relight that red candle but it was full of water and the wick was too wet.
The newest mural in Derry, the faces of those killed in Bloody Sunday
This is Catholic land, Irish flag flown high and proud.

A memorial...I believe for a well respected man of the community
These gates are so HUGE
The Protestant side of Derry
What it looks like to shoot a cannon over the wall
The full restored cannons
The gorgeous church....and then my camera died

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