Monday, November 3, 2008

Bushmills and the Giants' Causeway

So me being me, I arrived early for the bus and decided to take some random pictures of the school.. A lesson board in the Irish language department

A close up of all the children's books used in the lesson...yes I'm such a teacher
Yes, we have bilingual signage; however, it's only by the Irish language department
The reception area...pretty much like a fancy office with classrooms upstairs

After waiting almost an hour, the bus arrives 45 minutes late
-----------------Bushmills' Whiskey Distillery--------------------------------
The first sight of Bushmills' Distillery
Another shot of the Distillery
Where they house all the maturing barrels of whiskey
A stereotypical European telephone booth...the first I've seen since I've been here
The reception/lobby
Everything in the lobby was made from old whiskey barrels even tables and chairs
All the types of whiskey they make at the distillery
Me with my sweet pink gloves...thanks mom!
Random pictures as we wait for our tour guide
Stained glass whiskey bottle
The "Polish Girls": Petra, Marta, Eveline, Barabara
The only real picture I got of the distillery, we weren't allowed to take pictures because of all the alcohol in the air they were worried about the fumes starting a spark which would start a fire
The outside of the distillery, it looked like a small town with all the older buildings
Where the whiskey is bottled and packaged
Matius, Greg, and Peter with their complimentary glasses of whiskey after the tour
My glass of hot totty
The bar
Ashley, Huub, and Irma
One of the distillery pots
All of the Erasmus students who came on the trip, we were missing like 7 people
Outside the gift shop
-----------------------------Giants' Causeway--------------------------------
Scenery...the Irish countryside
First views of the ocean
The wind was terrible
Matius forgot his camera and proceeded to skip down the hill after this was taken

Once again rather windy
More hiking.... ...
Eveline and I...ewww
Giant rocks...
Warning falling rocks!
Our playground for the day...
The rocks were extremely slippery...
The legend of the Giants' Causeway
Where we decided to hike to...
From on the rocks...
I was standing right in front of the ocean...
It wasn't a happy ocean that day
What we were climbing on
The Organ..I thought it looked more like a skull

This was a steep hill...would be fun to go sledding down if there was snow
The Organ up close...
Me...I was so tired at this point but we weren't even half done yet
My hiking buddy Matius and I
So we made it too the end of one trail....
Got to love the barbed wire keeping us safe from giant boulders...this country loves its barbed wire
So I'm on the bridge that I told the guys I would never go on....they laughed at me
The endless stairs
The view from the top point...
This was where we started our little hike..
The Irish countryside through an overcast day...
Every field is separated by shrubs
Sorry if I killed anyone's computer. It was so gorgeous, I just wish the weather could have been better, only two more picture heavy posts left until I'm caught up and got on all my travels through Europe.

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