Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Day one Münich

4 a.m. is way too early to get up. I slept through most of the plane ride and a german girl, who was actually just coming back from Belfast from visiting a friend at Queen's took pity on me trying to figure out how to buy a train ticket through the machines and then sat next to me and chatted until her stop. the hostel itself was fairly easy to find. I feel like I'm at summer camp, to be honest, I'm in a 6 bed all girl dorm so we sleep in bunk beds and we have our own bath which is nice. After checking in, i decided to go spend the rest of my day wandering and I only got lost three times; first i was distracted by signs for the zoo so I tried to find that, I failed, then by leaving the train station through a different exit than I was used to, which lead me to find the polar bear thingy, which allowed me to get lost even further. I found the hostel again and then just spent the rest of the night chilling and talking to one of the girls in my room. I can't spell let alone pronounce her name for the life of me, but she's here doing a week study through her school in Paris, but she's actually originally from Moracco. We're going to exchange emails and then when Armelle, Heather, and I go to Paris, she'll give us a tour of the campus. All in all a fairly uneventful day.
Tomorrow - Castle Day!!


Anonymous said...

So glad you found your way home to your bunk bed....What castle are you going to? Munich is big and great to know you are where we were 50 years ago..Take Care. Love you.

Anonymous said...

Hi, It's grandma again. Forgot to tell you that Diana and I went to the zoo there that you tried to find with the landlady and her daughter. Love

Anonymous said...

i wish i could be there with you to take it all in...it sounds amazing...have fun and be safe...I love you